
【1分快3】 「语斋.翻译」看懂英文条约必备词汇

发布日期:2023-11-11  来源:


希望能够让大家在以后看英文条约完全没难度!先看看几个例句:This contract is made this 19th of February,2014 by WFX Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Sellers")who agree to sell and HK Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Buyers"), who agree to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions as below.本条约由WFX公司(以下简称"卖方")与HK公司(以下简称"买方")于2014年2月19日订立,双方同意按下述条件买卖下列货物。The deposit paid by the Buyers shall not be refunded if the Buyers fail to make full payment within the time herein specified and the Buyers shall be liable for all losses incurred therefrom to the Sellers.如果买方在划定的时间内未付清货款,买方的保证金将不予退还,而且买方应负担卖方由此发生的一切损失。在翻译古体词的时候,应凭据本意及上下文灵活掌握释义。例如在此例中, herein可以不必译出。

或接纳汉语的文言词例如"兹"、"之"、"鉴于"、"特"等举行翻译。IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract by their authorized representatives as of the date first above written.兹特由双方授权的代表,于上述首开日期签署本条约为据。

此例中的"IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF"意思是"作为协议事项的证据",是花样化的条约语言,类似接纳大写形式的另有:IN CONSIDERATION OF(思量到,以为约因)、WHEREAS (鉴于)、IN THE PRESENCE OF (见证人)、NOWTHEREFORE(特此、兹特)、NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS(兹特立约为据)。固然,类似这样运用大量"古体词"的句子在任何一本英文条约里都可以找出上百句来。于是我们整理了这么一个列表,如果将下述词汇全都明白透,相信列位一定会对执法英语有进一步的相识,至少能更顺利地阅读执法文本。

1. hereafterafter this in sequence or in time, in some future time or state(今后,以下)例句:Both parties must agree to the terms specified hereunder.双方均须同意以下条款。2. herebyby this means(以此方式,以此,特此)例句:I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July.特此见告贵方7月25日的来函收悉。3. herefromfrom this fact or statement(由此,今后)例句:The organization, XXXX, will be liable for any economic and legal liability incurred herefrom.XXX一方将负担由此发生的一切经济和执法责任。

4. hereinin this document(此中,于此,在此文件中)例句:The statements and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Wilson Centre.本书中的陈述和看法为作者小我私家意见,纷歧定代表威尔逊中心的看法。5. hereinaboveat a prior point in this writing or document(前文,上文)例句:Any tax or duty other than those described hereinabove, if any, be borne by the Buyer.除上述的税务和关税外,如果发生其他的税务和关税, 应有买方肩负。

6. hereinafterin the following part of this writing or document(在下文)例句:These。


